we aren't superheroes but we are quirky



Official Title: Master Tech - Manufacturing

Realistic Title:  Tool & Printing Goblin
Alternate Title:  Morning firefighter

Matt is a recovering "theatre kid" with a penchant for collecting hobbies and tools.  He loves vintage arcade and pinball games, very large dogs, and making things with whatever skills he has acquired.  He is a dad to two awesome kids and a Berry College alumnus.


Official Title: Operations Assistant
Realistic Title: The Party's Cleric

Alternate Title:  Keeper of Allison's Sanity, Social Media Manager

Ashton is a Tabletop fiend who has fully submerged himself in the world of 3d printing. His 3D printing adventure started off with small miniatures and has evolved into full-sized helmets and swords. If you happen to spot him in the wild, he will talk your ear off about his current projects, DND characters, or his pet bird 🦜. 


Official Title: Post-Production Supervisor

Realistic Title:  Parts & Shipping Archmage

Alternate Title:  QC Gate Keeper,  Knife ninja, shipping master

Ray  is a talented individual with a deep-rooted passion for art. With a keen eye for detail and a creative mind, he consistently produces art that captivates and inspires. When Ray is not expressing creativity through artistic mediums, this dynamic individual can be found #WINNING at the local bowling alley or on the golf course.   Friendly and approachable, he brings a unique and energetic presence to our team.


Official Title: 3D Printing Production Worker

Realistic Title: Plastic breaker, Swift bubblewrap companion

Alternate Title:  Post processing gremlin

A creative designer with a diploma in animation, Anjali has a passion for cars and exploring new ideas. She thrives in team environments, enjoys cooking and discovering new cuisines, and uses her free time to learn new activities and expand her skills. 


Official Title: Manufacturing Head

Realistic Title: That Guy Who Does 3D Printing Really Good and Wants to Do Lots of Other Stuff Too

Alternate Title: Alleged Scrappy 20-Something Year Old

Dubbed "The Zhumeister" by his peers, he was introduced to 3D Printing during his tenure at a well known tool company. He quickly became the resident 3D Printing expert, starting ZhumeisterLabs as a side hustle to grow & perfect the trade. The rest is just a story of a hobby turned into passion to make all the things


Official Title: CEO/President
Realistic Title: Master of Coin, Community, and The Manager That Karen Wishes To Speak To

Alternate Title: Supreme Executive Overlord

A "jack of all trades" type of woman, Allison has been a bus driver, mathematics teacher, tech support, data analyst, accounting department manager, and a legal administrator.  She is an experienced home cook and spends her free time with her family and fur babies.  She runs this operation - be nice to her. 😉

Not People


Official Title: None - He Works for Himself

Realistic Title:  Mascot

Blueby is an overworked, underpaid white collar worker who has grown to dislike where he is with his job. To feel some form of satisfaction with his life, he spends all his time off the clock 3D printing in his basement.  While it does cause him some distress at times, he does greatly enjoy seeing the fruits of his labor when a print finishes and requires no postprocessing. Blueby officially became ZLabs3D mascot in 2021... but he still works for himself.